Call me Jester

A bit about me

Artist and clown collectorForever stuck in the 2000sFav bands
Twisted Method
Powerman 5000
Funker Vogt

My Do Not Interact

All serious
People that steal other people's styles, art styles, music taste, or personality
Pedophiles, racists, homophobes, proshippers, ect.
Tracers of others art or full photos
If you have a sad bart pfp
If you have a gacha pfp or post gacha related content
If you are just on my account to harass me
If you are on my account to spread rumors
If you fake disorders for fun or for clout
Most self diagnosers (excluding anxiety, depression, adhd, autism)
Have a typing quirk (1 for i, z for s, ect)
Rage baiters
Constantly controversial
Constantly causing drama online
Systems under 18
Male lesbians or he/him lesbians
If you openly talk online about your trauma too much for attention
If you openly express your political/religious beliefs CONSTANTLY.
If you fetishize age groups, races, or sexualities of any kind.
If you constantly post photos of yourself drinking (underaged), smoking, or doing drugs (some irls excused)

Rules of my account

Do not repost my art without my permission.
Credit me when using my art in edits or as pfps.
Do not dm me if you are not following me unless you have questions about my art. DO NOT WASTE MY TIME.
Do not trace my art.
Color picking is fine.
Do not edit/change/'fix' my art.
Do not redraw my art without permission.
Do not steal my art or my characters.
Do not add me to gcs without my permission.
Do not view my stories if you are not following me. You will get BLOCKED!
Do not add me to your close friends unless we are mutuals and have spoken to eachother at least 5 seperate times.
Do not ask me to draw something for you for free.
If I BLOCK you for any reason DO NOT find me on a different account, whether it's a different account of mine or yours. Do not try and contact me if I have you blocked. You are blocked for a reason.



If you want to art trade, dm me to see if my trades are open.
Only mutuals can art trade with me.
I expect art trades to be finished within 2 months at most.
(2 month deadline excluded.)


Check my Instagram bio to see when requests are open.
Requests are only rarely open
Anyone (even people who dont follow me) can make requests but only if they are open.
I dont open them often, so if you see them open be sure to snag one


Commissions are currently open Cashapp only
PayPal negotiable
If you're interested in commissioning me please DM me
See my criteria for what i will and won't draw


I will draw
Simple dragons
IRL people
I will not draw
Complex dragons or reptiles
Complex mechs
Cars / vehicles
Alterations of commissioned art
I will send a watermarked version of the sketch and lineart of your commission throughout the process of it's creation.
During that time, if you are unhappy with anything in the drawing, let me know and I will make only up to THREE alterations/fixes.
Past the lineart faze, I will only do color alterations, NO LINEART CHANGES DURING RENDERING OR COLORING PROCESS ARE ALLOWED.
I have the right to refuse a commission for any reason
Commissions will be payed in full after I have finished your art
Full unwatermarked and unblurred art will be sent to you through DMs and email as per request AFTER I receive full payment
Prices fluctuate
DM for more in depth info on my prices and my full criteria list